Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual


Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual - Your All-in-One Solution for Efficient Software Removal

Are you tired of dealing with leftover files, registry entries, and other traces of unwanted software on your computer? Do you want a convenient and effective way to uninstall applications without leaving behind any digital clutter? Look no further than Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual - a powerful tool that provides you with a comprehensive solution for efficient software removal.

Gone are the days when you had to rely on the built-in uninstaller of your operating system, which often leaves behind remnants of uninstalled software. With Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual, you can easily remove software from your computer, including stubborn programs that are difficult to uninstall through traditional means.

One of the key features of Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual is its ability to thoroughly scan and clean up your computer after uninstalling software. It scans for leftover files, folders, registry entries, shortcuts, and other traces of the uninstalled program, helping you to completely eradicate all remnants of unwanted software from your system. This can help to free up valuable disk space and optimize the performance of your computer.

Another great feature of Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual is its ability to monitor and log all changes made to your system during software installation. This means that you can easily track and undo any changes made by the software, ensuring that your system remains clean and clutter-free.

In addition to software removal, Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual also offers other useful tools to help you manage your computer. It comes with a powerful startup manager that allows you to control which programs launch automatically when your computer starts up, helping you to improve boot times and overall system performance. The software also includes a disk cleaner, registry cleaner, and privacy protector, which can help you to keep your computer clean, optimized, and protected from privacy threats.

One of the biggest advantages of Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual is its portability. Being a portable software, you can run it from a USB drive or any other portable storage device, without the need for installation. This makes it a great tool to carry with you on your USB drive, so you can use it on any computer without leaving any traces behind.

The user interface of Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual is simple and user-friendly, making it easy for both novice and advanced users to navigate and use. The software supports multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, and many more, making it accessible to users from around the world.

In conclusion, Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual is a comprehensive and powerful tool for efficient software removal. Its ability to thoroughly scan and clean up your computer after uninstallation, along with its other useful features such as startup manager, disk cleaner, and registry cleaner, make it an all-in-one solution for optimizing your computer's performance. With its portability and user-friendly interface, it's a convenient tool that you can carry with you on your USB drive and use on any computer. Say goodbye to leftover files and traces of uninstalled software with Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual, and enjoy a clean and optimized computer experience.


  • Easily uninstall applications and programs. The program starts a lot faster than the Control Panel Add/Remove applet, and has a handy quick search function.
  • Uninstall, disable and enable Control Panel icons.
  • Disable or delete the programs that run at startup.
  • Remove items left behind in the Add/Remove section after program uninstall.
  • Manage the fonts installed on your computer.
  • Hide, show or sort your Start menu shortcuts. Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start menu.
  • Uninstall Internet Explorer toolbars, plug-ins and BHOs (Browser Helper Objects).
  • Find and delete garbage and temporary files.
  • Delete the recently open files list of programs such as Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, Morpheus, WinAmp, etc.
  • Delete the Internet history trail (information about the pages you visited, addresses you typed, cookies, etc).

NamePortable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.25 Multilingual
Size 22.8 MB 

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